Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Video of Averi

Just wanted to share with you guys this adorable video of Averi singing A Bushel and a Peck. She learned this at dance class and sings it all the time!! Enjoy!!

Watch Week at Dance and Averi's 1st Gymnastics Class

It was the final watch week this week at dance because Miss Kristen wants us to be surprised at the recital and we were lucky enough to have Daddy there. Averi was so excited to see Daddy there, you couldn't wipe the smile off her face. She kept looking over at him. She had to go potty during class and when I took her she looked at me and said "Daddy is soooo proud of me!" I thought that was adorable. I feel Averi is a Mommy's girl but there are times where Daddy is "THE ONE." Usually it is when we are on vacation but this week she has been a DADDY'S GIRL for sure!! Monday she wanted to wear her I Love Daddy PJ's, she wanted to take a nap at 10AM because she know after naptime is when Daddy will be coming home. It really has been too cute for words. However emotional pregnant Mommy takes it to heart and I feel like she knows there is a big change coming and Mommy won't be one on one with her all the time! Tear!
This morning Averi had her 1st gymnastics class and she LOVED it. Went right in and seemed like a pro, I was so proud of her. I just wish I had her in this before now because it really helps her muscle strength and her core. She is just doing different movements that she doesn't do during dance or when she is playing. So I think this will work out great until they start doing flips then I will have to take her out because that scares the "beep" out of me!!
Averi and Ava
Our ballerina


1st day of Gymnastics!!

Family Date Night

Friday night Matt and I were able to go out on a date while Averi went over to Mimi and Gramps' house! Whenever we go on dates Averi always wants to have a date night too so Saturday was our Family Date Night and we LOVE it! However it didn't go as planned because of this crazy weather! It snowed!!! So instead of going out we decided to have a date night in. We played games, Averi made our dinner (yummy pizza) and we had a picnic downstairs in our movie room while watching, Alice in Wonderland!!! Next weekends feature presentation is...Tangled!!! For dessert Averi and Daddy made a "Daddy Monster" with the vitimix! We love our vitimix it is an amazing blender that makes smoothies and many more things. The "Daddy Monster" includes strawberries, blueberries, bananas, ice, and OJ!! Averi LOVES it and so do we!
Averi and Matt making the
"Daddy Monster"
Thanks Averi for making our
wonderful dinner!
Date night in, thanks snow:(

March 20th

A couple weeks ago Grandmama, Pa, and Caleb came to visit and Averi was just in heaven all weekend. Since I am so far along in the pregnancy I am not able to travel so we welcome any visitors!! Averi loves them and so do we! BUT you have to want to play Memory since that is Averi's favorite game right now!! Just ask Amanda, she came to visit on her spring break and had to play memory about 50 times, no joke!!! We were so excited about this weather, we were outside playing ALL day on Sunday! The scooter came out of the house, kites were being flown up in the air and we had a picnic lunch outside before Grandmama and Pa had to leave!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Averi Modeling Posh Principessa Clothes

So this morning was full of pure craziness, waking up at 6AM to snow on the ground!! In Averi's words "Oh my gosh Dad, can you believe it?" We headed over to Tiffany's house which usually takes 5 minutes well it took us 20. We left her house in plenty of time (we thought) 7:20 and let's just say we didn't get there until 9:25 and we were suppose to go LIVE at 9:35. They immediately put a mic on Tiffany and we were off. Moments before the girls were on air we were in a blizzard, girls needing to go potty, not dressed, no shoes on, headbands not on BUT somehow we all pulled it together! Here is the finished product, Tiffany nailed it and our little Princess Averi sparkled, Matt and I are of course very proud parents. Thank you so much Tiffany for letting our daughter be a part of your business!

A trip down memory lane, this is Averi's first time modeling Posh Principessa on T.V. a year ago this month! She still has the twirl down!

All the models with Tim Ezell the morning host
at Fox 2
Almost show time!
The Woman behind Posh Principessa with all
her models
On the set of FOX 2 News
Averi going to her new job, a
news anchor!!
We were so proud of our little
Posh Princess today!

After the 2 hour car ride that should
only take 45 minutes the girls
got to play "ring around the

A Beautiful Saturday at the Park!

Last weekend Matt was in Cancun so we were SOOOO excited to have him back this weekend! Even though I am lucky of enough to stay home with Averi everyday, I still look forward to the weekends even more because it is our family time!! Saturday was a beautiful day in St. Louis and we took Averi to Tilles Park and then headed to our favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch! Perfect morning, then later that afternoon we worked on our little boys room!!

Happy Girl with Daddy!
When she got off this, she was pretty
dizzy, it was actually pretty funny!
Daddy's Girl
Thanks for your help Daddy, your
the best!

The love of our lives!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My favorite pics since Averi has turned 3!!

The boys and Averi at Grandmama and Pa's house
Happy Birthday Daddy!! We love you!
Pa and Averi made a snowman! It melted that night and Averi was super sad:(
Averi and Audrey!! She was so excited to meet her 1st girl cousin!
When Averi turned 3 she started sleeping in a big
girl bed and we redid her room into the "
Playing at Ava's birthday party
Averi and Coach Daddy
Nice shoot Averi
Hands up Averi!
Mommy and Averi at the Magic House
Bob the Builder exhibit at the Magic house

Snow Day

Saturday, March 5, 2011

1st Friend Sleepover!!

  It's PJ time!!  Averi and Ava had their 1st sleepover and Mommy and Tiffany did too!  Rocco was in heaven with all these girls!!  The girls made their own dinner and they did such an amazing job putting sauce, cheese, and pepperoni's  on their pizza!  While their dinner was cooking they made a quick craft.  Tiffany and I were just in aww of how they were acting, they were so cute and excited about everything.  The smiles were constant!  After dinner we went downstairs with our Popcorn in hand and watched a brand new Dora!!  Bedtime went rather smoothly after the stories were read.  Tiffany and I were tired but we had such a great time!!  Thanks girls and Rocco for spending the night!!
1st Sleep Over!!
The girls are giving each other 5's for making
some great pizzas
It's CHEESE time
Rocking out to Dora!!